The Challenge....

"Shelf waters deeper than 3 meters and shallower than about 30 meters have often been ignored in the past because of the very difficult operating conditions and the complex dynamics, where the water is filled with turbulent boundary layers."

Ken H. Brink 12/12/97
Observational Coastal Oceanography
National Science Foundation OCE Workshops

The Solution..... 1999 Summer Research

AGU Talks View our online talks from the 2000 AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting
Long-term Real-time Observation Networks for Ports, Estuaries and the Open Shelf
Bio-Optics Profiler Experiment (July 27-31))

COOL 1998 Summer Research

Papers Presented at ASLO - January, 1999

Coastal Upwelling Eddy - Satellite/Remote and In Situ coverage - July 23, 1998
REMUS Autonomous Underwater Vehicle ADCP/CTD Transects - July, 1998
Preparation of Satlellite Data for Use in Data Assimilation and in Planning an
Adaptive Sampling Network
Using CODAR HF-RADAR for Coastal Ocean Data Assimilative Modeling
Modeling Convective Mixing: Improvements on the Industry Standard and
It's Importance to Biological Production Modeling
SeaSonde HF-Radar Comparisons with Moored, Towed and REMUS ADCP's
Characterizing the Variability in the Inherent and Apparent Optical Properties
During the LEO-15 1998 Coastal Predictive Skill Experiment
Deconvolving Inherent Optical Properties and Estimating Suspended Particulate
Mass and Particulate Organic Carbon in Coastal Waters During
an Upwelling Event
Calibration of a Continental Shelf Bottom Boundary Layer Model with
Applications to Sediment Transport in the Middle Atlantic Bight
Structure of Near-Inertial and Subinertial Motion Across an Upwelling
Frontal System