The Challenge....
"Shelf waters deeper than 3 meters and shallower than about 30 meters have often been ignored in the past because of the
very difficult operating conditions
and the
complex dynamics
, where the water is filled with
turbulent boundary layers
Ken H. Brink 12/12/97
Observational Coastal Oceanography
National Science Foundation OCE Workshops
The Solution..... 1999 Summer Research
View our online talks from the
2000 AGU
Ocean Sciences Meeting
Long-term Real-time Observation Networks for Ports, Estuaries and the Open Shelf
Bio-Optics Profiler Experiment (July 27-31))
COOL 1998 Summer Research
Papers Presented at ASLO - January, 1999
Coastal Upwelling Eddy - Satellite/Remote and In Situ coverage - July 23, 1998
REMUS Autonomous Underwater Vehicle ADCP/CTD Transects - July, 1998
Preparation of Satlellite Data for Use in Data Assimilation and in Planning an
Adaptive Sampling Network
Using CODAR HF-RADAR for Coastal Ocean Data Assimilative Modeling
Modeling Convective Mixing: Improvements on the Industry Standard and
It's Importance to Biological Production Modeling
SeaSonde HF-Radar Comparisons with Moored, Towed and REMUS ADCP's
Characterizing the Variability in the Inherent and Apparent Optical Properties
During the LEO-15 1998 Coastal Predictive Skill Experiment
Deconvolving Inherent Optical Properties and Estimating Suspended Particulate
Mass and Particulate Organic Carbon in Coastal Waters During
an Upwelling Event
Calibration of a Continental Shelf Bottom Boundary Layer Model with
Applications to Sediment Transport in the Middle Atlantic Bight
Structure of Near-Inertial and Subinertial Motion Across an Upwelling
Frontal System