Bissett, W. P., R. Arnone, S. Debra, D. Dye, G. Kirkpatrick, C. Mobley,O. Schofield, O. 2007. The integration of ocean color remote sensing with coastal nowcast/forecast simulations of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs). In Real Time Coastal Observing systems for ecosystems dynamics and harmful algal blooms. Babin, M. And Cullen, J. J. (Eds) UNESCO, Paris. 695-732.
Edson, J., T. Crawford, J. Crescenti, T. Farrar, N. Frew, G. Gerbi, C. Helmis, T. Hristov, D. Khelif, A. Jessup, H. Jonsson, M. Li, L. Mahrt, W. McGillis, A. Plueddemann, L. Shen, E. Skyllingstad, T. Stanton, P. Sullivan, J. Sun, J. Trowbridge, D. Vickers, S. Wang, Q. Wang, R. Weller, J. Wilkin, A.J. Williams III, D. Yu and C. Zappa (2007) The Coupled Boundary Layers and Air-Sea Transfer Experiment in Low Winds, Bulletin of the American Meteorolgical Society, 88(3), 341-356.
Hunter, E., R. Chant, L. Bowers, S. Glenn, and J. Kohut (2007), Spatial and temporal variability of diurnal wind forcing in the coastal ocean, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L03607, doi:10.1029/2006GL028945.
Oliver, M., D. Petrov, D. Ackerley, P.G. Falkowski and O. Schofield (2007) The mode and tempo of genome size evolution in eukaryotes. Journal of Genome Research. doi/10.1101/gr.6096207.
Schofield, O., J. Bosch, S.M. Glenn, G. Kirkpatrick, J. Kerfoot, M. Moline, M. Oliver, W.P. Bissett 2007. Bio-optics in integrated ocean observing networks: potential for studying harmful algal blooms. In Real Time Coastal Observing Systems for Ecosystem Dynamics and Harmful Algal Blooms. Babin, M,. Roesler, C. and J. J. Cullen (Eds). UNESCO, Paris. 85-108.
Valle-Levinson, A, K. Holderied, C. Li and R.J. Chant (2007) Subtidal flow structure at the turning region of a wide outflow plume. Journal of Geophysical Research 112, C04004, doi: 10.1029/2006JC003746.
Craig, Susanne E., S. Lohrenz, L. Zhongping, K. Mahoney, G. Kirkpatrick, O. Schofield, and R. Steward (2006) Use of hyperspectral remote sensing reflectance for detection and assessment of the harmful alga, Karenia brevis. Applied Optics, Vol. 45, No. 21, 20 July 2006.
Fennel, K., J. Wilkin, J. Levin, J. Moisan, J. O'Reilly, and D. Haidvogel (2006) Nitrogen cycling in the Middle Atlantic Bight: Results from a three-dimensional model and implications for the North Atlantic nitrogen budget. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 20, GB3007, doi: 10.1029/2005GB002456.
Finkel, Z.V., A. Quigg, J.A. Raven, J.R. Reinfelder, O.E. Schofield, P.G. Falkowski (2006) Irradiance and the elemental stoichiometry of marine phytoplankton. Limnol. Oceanogr. 51(6), 2690-2701.
Frazer, T.K., S.R. Keller, O. Schofield, S.M. Glenn, J. Kohut, R.J. Chant, M. Oliver, J.R. Reinfelder, M.A. Moline, M. Zhou, R.F. Chen (2006) Coastal Ocean Observatories Enable Biological Investigations in a Buoyant Plume. Marine Technology Society, Boston Meeting, September 2006.
Glenn, S.M., O.M. Schofield, R. Chant, J. Kohut, J. McDonnell, S.D. McLean (2006) The Leo-15 Coastal Cabled Observatory - Phase II for the Next Evolutionary Decade of Oceanography. SSC06 - Scientific Submarine Cable 2006.
Glenn, S.M., O. Schofield, R. Chant, J. Kohut, H. Roarty, J. Bosch, L. Bowers, D. Gong and J. Kerfoot(2006) Wind-driven Response of the Hudson River Plume and Its Effect on Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations US/EU Baltic International Symposium, Lithuania 2006.
Glenn, S.M., R. Chant, J. Kohut, J. Reinfelder, O. Schofield, J. McDonnell (2006) Extended Abstract - Opening a Window to the Sea: The Potential of the Ocean Observatories for Education. Marine Technology Society, Boston meeting, September 2006
He, R., and J.L. Wilkin (2006) Barotropic tides on the southeast New England shelf: A view from a hybrid data assimilation modeling approach. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, C08002, doi: 2005JC003254.
Iglesias-Rodriguez, M.D., O. Schofield, J. Batley, L. Medlin, and P. Hayes. (2006) Intraspecific Genetic Diversity in the Marine Coccolithophore Emiliania Huxleyi (Prymnesiophyceae): The Use of Microsatellite Analysis in Marine Phytoplankton Population Studies. Journal of Phycology, 42, 526-536, doi: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2006.00231.x
Irwin, A., Z. Finkel, O. Schofield, P. Falkowski. 2006. Scaling-up from nutrient physiology to the size-structure of phytoplankton communities. Journal of Plankton Research, 28: 1-13.
Kohut, J. (2006) Extended Abstract - A Regional HF Radar Pilot Product: Serving IOOS needs in the Mid-Atlantic Bight Marine Technology Society, Boston Meeting, September 2006
Kohut, J.T., H.J. Roarty and S.M. Glenn (2006) Characterizing Observed Environmental Variability witih HF Doppler Radar Surface Current Mappers and Acoustic Dopler Current Profilers: Environmental Variability in the Coastal Ocean, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 4, October 2006, 876-884.
Roarty, H.J., and M.S. Bruno (2006) Laboratory Measurements of Bed Load Sediment Transport Dynamics. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 132, No. 3, 199-211.
Schofield, O., L. Bowrs, G. Fotti, S. Glenn, D. Gong, A. Kahl, J. Kohut, M. Oliver, J. Wilkin, R. Chant (2006) Studying the Dynamics and Biological Significance of the Hudson River Using an Ocean Observatory. Marine Technology Society, Boston Meeting, September 2006.
Schofield, O., J. Kerfoot, K. Mahoney, M. Moline, M. Oliver, S. Lohrenz, an G. Kirkpatrick (2006) Vertical migration of the toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis and the impact on ocean optical properties. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. II, C06009, doi: 10.1029/2005JC003115, 2006.
Wilkin, J. and W. Zhang (2006) Modes of mesoscale sea surface height and temperature variability in the East Australian Current, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, C01013, doi: 10.1029/2006JC003590.
Wolfe-Simon, F., A. Trey, V. Starovoytov, J.R. Reinfelder, O. Schofield, P.G. Falkowski (2006) The locatlization and role of MnSOD in diatoms. Plant Pysiology DOI: 10.1104/pp.106.088963
Bissett, W.P., R. Arnone, S. DeBra, D.A. Dieterle, D. Dye, G. Kirkpatrick, O. Schofield, G.A. Vargo (2005) Predicting the optical properties of the West Florida Shelf: Resolving the potential impacts of a terresetria boundary condition on the distribution of colored dissolved and particulate matter. Marine Chemistry, doi: 10.1016/j.marchem.2004.09.007: 1-35.
Creed, E.L., S. Glenn, O.M. Schofield, H. Barrier, R.F. Petrecca, J.A. Dobarro, S.D. McLean, A.H. Barnard, K.M. Brown, R.S. Adams, S. Feener (2005) LEO-15 Observatory - The Next Generation Oceans 2005.
**Finkel, Z.V., M.E. Katz, J.D. Wright, O. Schofield, P.G. Falkowski (2005) Climatically-driven macroevolutionary patterns in the size of marine diatoms over the Cenozoic. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 102 (25): 2927-2932.
Glenn, S.M., O.M. Schofield, R. Chant, J. Kohut, J. McDonnell (2005) Educational Needs in the Changing Field of Operational Oceanography: Training the People that will Sustain Munk's 1+1=3 Scenario Oceans 2005.
**Jiang, L., O. Schofield, P.G. Falkowski. (2005) Adaptive evolution of phytoplankton cell size. American Naturalist. 166 (4): 496-505.
Jones, C., E. Creed, S. Glenn, J. Kerfoot, J. Kohut, C. Mudgal, O. Schofield (2005) Slocum Gliders - A Component of Operational Oceanography Autonomous Undersea Systems Institute Symposium Proceedings 2005.
Kerfoot, J., G. Kirkpatrick, S. Lohrenz, K. Mahoney, O. Schofield (2005) Vertical Migration of a Karenia brevis Bloom: Implications for Remote Sensing of Harful Algal Blooms, in: Harmful Algae 2002: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Harfmul Algae, Steidinger, K.A., J.H. Landserber, C.R. Tomas, and G.A. Vargo (eds) 2004. Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, Florida Institute of Oceanography and Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA. 279-283.
McDonnell, J, S. Lichtenwalner, and J. Kohut (2005) What does a Data Management and Translation Facility Look Like? A View from the Rutgers University Coastal Ocean Observation Laboratory (RUCOOL). This paper was originally written for the ORION Education and Public Outreach Advisory Committee (EPAC)
O. Schofield, C. Jeandel. (2005) Science, friends and great times: International Ocean Research Conference in Paris. Oceanography 18 (3): 62-65.
O. Schofield, J. Kohut, and S. Glenn (2005) The New Jersey Shelf Observing System: Using an Ocean Observatory to Track Plumes, Particulates and People in the Coastal Ocean. Sea Technology Vol. 46, No. 9: 15-21.
**Wolfe, F. D. Grzebyk, O. Schofield, P.G. Falkowski (2005) The role and evolution of superdioxide dismutases in algae. Journal of Phycology DOI: 10.1111/j.-1529-8817.2005.00086: 1-13.
**Bergmann, T., G. Fahnenstiel, S. Lohrenz, D. Millie, O. Schofield. 2004. Impacts of a resuspension event and variable phytoplankton community composition on remote sensing reflectance. Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol. 109, C10S15, doi: 10.1029/2002JC001575.
Creed, E., J. Kerfoot, C. Mudgal, H. Barrier. 2004. Transition of Slocum Electric Gliders to a Sustained Operational System. Oceans 2004.
Falkowski, P.G., M. Katz, A. Knoll, J. Raven, O. Schofield, M. Taylor(2004). The consequences of the evolution of eukaryotic phytoplankton. Science. 305: 354-360.
Falkowski, P.G., Schofield, O., Katz, M.E., Schootenbrugge, B.V.D., Knoll, A.H. Why is the land green and the ocean red? Coccolithophores - from Molecular Processes to Global Impact. H. Therstein and J.R. Young (Eds.). Elseveir, Amsterdam. p 429-453.
**Finkel, ZV, AJ Irwin, and O Schofield (2004) Resource limitation alters the 3/4 size scaling of metabolic rates in phytoplankton. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 273: 269-279.
Glenn, S., R. Arnone, T. Bergmann, W. P. Bissett, M. Crowley, J. Cullen, J. Gryzmski, D. Haidvogel, J. Kohut, M. Moline, M. Oliver, C. Orrico, R. Sherrell, T. Song, A. Weidemann, R. Chant, and O. Schofield. (2004) Biogeochemical impact of summertime coastal upwelling on the New Jersey Shelf. JGR, Vol. 109, C12S02, doi:10.1029/2003JC002265.
Glenn, S., O. Schofield, T. Dickey, R. Chant, J. Kohut, H. Barrier, J. Bosch, L.
Bowers, L. Creed, C. Haldemann, E., Hunter,
J. Kerfoot, C. Mudgal, M. Oliver, H. Roarty, E. Romana, M. Crowley, D.
Barrick, and C. Jones, 2004.
The Expanding Role of Ocean Color & Optics in the
Changing Field of
Operational Oceanography.Oceanography. 107:86-95.
Gryzebyk, D., M.E. Katz, A.H. Knoll, A. Quigg, J.A. Raven, O. Schofield, F.J.R. Taylor (2004) Response to comment on "The evolution of modern eukaryotic phytplankton" Science, 306 (5705)
Kohut, J. T., Glenn, S. M., Chant, R. J. 2004.
Seasonal current variability on the New Jersey inner shelf. Journal of Geophysical
Research. 109, C07S07, doi: 10.1029/2003JC001963.
Lohrenz, S.E., G.L. Fahnenstiel, D.F. Millie, O. Schofield, T. Johengen, T. Bergmann (2004) Bio-Optical properties of psring phytoplankton communities in southeastern Lake Michigan and implications for regional primary production. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 109, C10S14, doi: 10.1029/2004JC002383.
Moline, M., R. Arnone, T.
Bergmann, S. Glenn, M. Oliver, C. Orrico, O. Schofield, S. Tozzi,
2004. Variability in Spectral Backscatter Estimated from Satellite and its
Relation to In Situ Measurements in Optically Complex Coastal Waters.
of International Remote Sensing. 25:1,465-1,468..
Moline, M.A., S. Blackwell, R. Chant, M.J. Oliver, T. Bergmann, S. Glenn, O. Schofield (2004) Episodic physical forcing and the structure of phytoplankton communities in the coastal waters of New Jersey. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 110, C12S05, doi: 10.1029/2003JC001985.
Moline, M.A., H. Claustre, T.K. Frazer, M. Vernet, O. Schofield (2004) Environmental forcing of phytoplankton community composition and potential impact on zooplankton in Antarctic coastal waters. Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2004.00825. 1-8.
**Oliver, M., Kohut, J., Irwin, A., Schofield. O., Glenn, S.M., Moline, M. A. and Bissett, W.P. 2004. Bioinformatic Approaches for Objective detection of water masses. Journal Geophysical Research – NEOS Special Section. Vol 109 C07S04 doi: 10.1029/2003JC002072.
**Oliver, M. J., Schofield, O., Bergmann, T., Glenn, S. M., Moline, M. A., Orrico, C. 2004. In-situ optically derived phytoplankton absorptioin properties in coastal waters and its utility for estimating primary productivity rates. : Journal of Geophysical Research. 109, C07S11, doi: 10.1029/2002JC001627.
Schofield, O., T. Bergmann, M. Oliver, A. Irwin, G. Kirkpatrick, W.P. Bissett, C. Orrico, M. Moline (2004) Inverting inherent optical signatures in the nearshore coastal waters at the Long Term Ecosystem Observatory: Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 109, C12S04, doi: 10.1029/2003JC002071.
S.M. Glenn (2004) On the evolution of coastal ocean observatories. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, C12S01, doi: 10.1029/2004JC002577.
Schofield, O., S. Glenn, G. Kirkpatrick, C. Jones and M. Twardowski.
2004. Measuring Mesoscale in-situ optics
of the continental shelves with autonomous webb gliders. OCEANS 2004.
Schofield, O., R. Chant, J. Kohut and S. Glenn. 2004 The growth of the New Jersey Shelf Observing System for monitoring plumes and blooms on the Mid-Atlantic continental shelf. OCEANS 2004.
Schofield, O., Arnone, R., Bissett, W. P., Dickey, T., Davis, C., Finkel, Z., Oliver, M., Moline, M. A. 2004. Watercolors in the coastal zone: What can we see? Oceanography. 107: 28-37.
Schofield, O., Tivey, M. 2004. Building a window to the sea: Ocean Research Interactive Observing Networks (ORION). Oceanography. 17: 105-111.
**Tozzi, S., Schofield, O., Falkowski, P. 2004. Historical climate change and ocean turbulence as selective agents for two key phytoplankton functional groups. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 274: 123 - 132.
**Tozzi, S., Schofield, O., Moline, M. A., Bergmann, T., Crowley, M., Arnone, R. 2004.Variability in measured and modeled remote sensing reflectance and comparison of SeaWiFS and in situ chloyophyll a distribution for coastal waters at LEO-15. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 5: 1,469-1,472..
S., J. Wilkin, J. D. Booth and B. Stanton (2003), Trans-Tasman Sea larval
transport: Is Australia a source for New Zealand lobsters? Marine Ecology
Progress Series, 247, 173-182.
Creed, E., Kerfoot, J., Mudgal, C., Glenn, S., Schofield, O., Jones, C.,
Webb, D., Campbell, T., Twardowski, M., Kirkpatrick, G., J. Hillier, 2003.
Automated control of a fleet of Slocum Gliders within an operational
coastal observatory, Oceans 2003 MTS/IEEE Conference Proceedings, San
Diego, CA, V1, pp. 726-730.
Glenn, S.M. and T.D. Dickey, eds., 2003. SCOTS: Scientific Cabled Observatories for Time Series, NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) Workshop Report, Portsmouth, VA, 80 pp.
Glenn, S.M. and O. Schofield, 2003. Observing the Oceans from the COOL Room: Our History, Experience, and Opinions, Oceanography, V16, N4, pp. 37-52.
**Grzebyk, D., Schofield, O., Vetriani, C., Falkowski, P. 2003. The Mesozoic radiation of eukaryotic algae: the portable plastid hypothesis. Journal of Phycology 39: 259-267.
Johnson, D. M., Miller, J., Schofield, O. 2003. Dynamics and optics of the Hudson River outflow plume. Journal of Geophysical Research. 108, NO. C10, 3323, doi:10.1029/2002JC001485. 1-9.
Kirkpatrick, G. J., Orrico, C., Moline, M. A., Oliver, M. J., Schofield, O. 2003. Continuous hyperspectral absorption measurements of colored dissolved organic material in aquatic systems. Applied Optics 42(33): 6564-6568.
Kohut, J. T. and S. M. Glenn, 2003. Calibration of HF radar surface current measurements using measured antenna beam patterns. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 1303-1316.
Millie, D. F., G. L. Fahnenstiel, Steven E. Lohrenz, H. J. Carrick, T. Johengen, and O. M. E. Schofield (2003) Physical-biological coupling in southeastern Lake Michigan: Influence of episodic sediment resuspension on phytoplankton. Aquatic Ecology, 37, 393-408.
Moline, M., R. Arnone, T. Bergmann, S. Glenn, M. Oliver, C. Orrico, O. Schofield, S. Tozzi, 2003. Variability in Spectral Backscatter Estimated from Satellite and its Relation to In Situ Measurements in Optically Complex Coastal Waters.Journal of International Remote Sensing. 24: 1-4.
**Quigg, A., Finkel, Z.V., Irwin, A.J., Rosenthal, T., Ho, T-Y., Reinfelder, J.R., Schofield, O., Morel, F.M., Falkowski, P.G. 2003. The evolutionary inheritance of elemental stoichiometry in marine phytoplankton. Nature 425: 291-294.
Roarty, H., J. Kohut, and S. Glenn. 2003. Intercomparison of an ADCP, ADP, standard and long-range HF RADAR: Influence of Horizontal and Vertical Shear. Proceedings from IEEE 7th Working Conference on Current Measurement Technology Current and Wave Monitoring and Emerging Technologies.
Styles, R., and S.M. Glenn, 2003. A theoretical investigation of bed-form shapes, Ocean Dynamics, 53, 278-287.
Schofield, O., Bissett, W. P., Frazer, T. K., Iglesias-Rodriguez, D., Moline, M. A., Glenn, S. 2003. Development of regional coastal ocean observatories and the potential benefits to marine sanctuaries. Marine Technology Society 37: 54-67.
Schofield, O., Chant, R., Kohut, J. T., Glenn, S. M. 2003. The evolution of a nearshore coastal observatory and the establishment of the New Jersey Shelf Observing System. Sea Technology 44(11): 52-58.
**Bergmann, T., J.
Budd, G. Fahnenstiel, D. Millie,
2002. Assessing the relative impact of
resuspended sediment and phytoplankton community composition on remote sensing
reflectance. Ocean Optics XV.
**Bergmann, T., Paerl, H., Pinckney, J., Richardson, T., Schofield,
2002. Synergy of
light and nutrients on the photosynthetic efficiency of phytoplankton
populations from the Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina. Journal of Plankton
Research, 24(9), p. 923-933.
**Blackwell, S.M., Case, J., Glenn, S., Kohut, J., Moline, M., Purcell, M., Schofield, O. and C VonAlt. VA 2002. New AUV Platform for Studying Near Shore Bioluminescence Structure In: Stanley, P. E. and Kricka, L. J. editors. Bioluminescence & Chemiluminescence Progress and Current Applications. Singapore: World Scientific, 197-200.
Bowen, M. M., W. J. Emery, J. L. Wilkin, P. C. Tildesley, I. J. Barton and R. Knewtson (2002), Extracting multi-year surface currents from sequential thermal imagery using the Maximum Cross Correlation technique, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 19, 1665-1676.
G. C., Dickey T. D., Schofield O., Weidemann A.
D., Boss, E., Moline, M. A., Glenn. S. M. 2002.
Nearshore physical forcing of bio-optical parameters in the New York Bight.
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Creed, E.L., C. Mudgal, S.M. Glenn, O.M. Schofield, C.P. Jones and
D.C. Webb, 2002. Using
a fleet of Slocum Battery Gliders in a regional scale coastal ocean observatory.
MTS/IEEE Conference Proceedings, Biloxi, MS. Vol. 3, pp. 1234-1238.
G. L., Beckman, C., Lohrenz, S. E., Millie, D. F., Schofield, O.,
McCormick, M. J. 2002. Standard Niskin and Van Dorn bottles inhibit
phytoplankton photosynthesis in Lake Michigan. Verh.
Internat. Verein. Limnol.
Grzymski, Joe, Oscar M. Schofield, Paul G. Falkowski, Joan M. Bernhard
2002. The function of plastids in the deep-sea benthic foraminifer, Nonionella
stella. Limnology & Oceanography, 47(6), 1569–1580.
Hare, J., Churchill, J., Cowen, R., Berger, T., Cornillon, P. Dragos, P., Glenn,
S., Govoni, J., Lee, T., 2002. Routes
and rates of larval fish transport from the southeast to the northeast United
States continental shelf. Limnology and Oceanography 47(6), p. 1774-1789.
Keen, T. and S.M. Glenn, 2002. Predicting Bed Scour on the Continental Shelf
During Hurricane Andrew, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering,
, 249-257.
Kohut, Josh T., Scott M. Glenn, Don E. Barrick, 2002. A
Multi-system HF Radar Array for the New Jersey Shelf Observing System (NJSOS).
Oceanology International 2002.
**Komada, T., Schofield, O., Reimers, C. (2002) Fluorescence characteristics of organic
matter released from coastal sediments during resuspension. Marine Chemistry. 79(2):
Millie, D. F., Fahnenstiel, G. L., Lohrenz, S. E., Schofield, O. 2002. Relating episodic physical and meterological forcing to phytoplankton group dynamics in Southeastern Lake Michigan during the spring isothermal. Journal of Phycology 38: 639-648.
Millie, DF, Fahnenstiel, GL, Carrick, HJ, Lohrenz, SE, Schofield, O (2002) Phytoplankton pigments in coastal Lake Michigan: distributions during the spring isothermal period and relation with episodic sediment resuspension, Journal of Phycology, 38, 1-11.
Millie, DF, Fahnenstiel, GL, Carrick, HJ, Lohrenz, SE, Schofield, O (2002) Spatial variation in Lake Michigan phytoplankton assemblages during sediment resuspension events, Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung fur Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, 28, 1216-1220.
Millie, D. F., Schofield, O., Kirkpatrick, G. J., Johnsen, G., Evens, T. J. Using absorbance and fluorescence spectra to discriminate microalgae. Euro. J. Phycol. 37(3): 313-322.
Moline, M., Schofield, O., Gryzmski, J. 2002. Impact of dynamic light and nutrient
environments on phytoplankton communities in the coastal ocean. In: Modeling
Dynamic Systems: Dynamic Modeling for Marine Conservation Ecological Understanding.
Lindholm, J. and Ruth, M. (eds) Springer Verlag 144-163.
K.R., J. R. Dunn J. and J. Wilkin (2002), Ocean interpolation by
4-dimensional weighted least squares: Application to the waters around
Australasia, J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech., 19, 1357-1375.
Schofield, O., S. Glenn, R. Chant, M. A. Moline, P. Bissett, D. Haidvogel, and J. Wilkins, 2002. The evolution of a nearshore coastal observatory and the establishment of the New Jersey Shelf Observing System. Oceanology International 2002.
Schofield, O., Bergmann, T., Bissett, W. P., Grassle, F., Haidvogel, D., Kohut, J., Moline, M., Glenn, S. 2002. The Long-Term Ecosystem Observatory: An Integrated Coastal Observatory. Journal of Oceanic Engineering. 27(2): 146-154.
Styles, R. and S.M. Glenn, 2002. Modeling bottom roughness in the presence of wave-generated ripples, Journal of Geophysical Research, 107, C8, 24/1-24/15.
Wilkin, J. L., M. M. Bowen and W. J. Emery (2002), Mapping mesoscale currents by optimal interpolation of satellite radiometer and altimeter data, Ocean Dynamics, 52, 95-103.
Bissett, W.P., O. Schofield, S. Glenn, J.J. Cullen, W. Miller, A. Pluddeman and C. Mobley, 2001. Resolving the impacts and feedbacks of ocean optics on upper ocean ecology, Oceanography, Vol. 14, No. 3, 30-53.
Bissett, P., Schofield, O., Mobley, C. Crowley, M. F., Moline, M. A. 2001.
Optical remote sensing techniques in biological oceanography. In: Methods in
Marine Microbiology. Paul, J. (ed). Academic Press, London. 30: 519-538.
Chant, R. J. (2001). Tidal and subtidal motion in a multiple inlet/bay
system. Journal of Coastal Research.
Special issue 31:102-114b
Chant, R. J. 2001. Evolution of near-inertial waves during an upwelling event on the New Jersey inner shelf. Journal of Physical Oceanography. 31:746-764.
Chant, R. J. and A. Stoner. 2001, Particle trapping in a stratified flood-dominated estuary. Journal of Marine Research. 59:29-51
Evens, T. J., Kirkpatrick, G. J., Millie, D. F., Chapman, D., Schofield, O. 2001. Xanthophyll-cycling and photophysiological regulation of Gymnodinium breve in response to fluctuating natural irradiance. Journal of Plankton Research 23: 1177-1194.
**Finkel, Z. 2001. Light absorption and the size-scaling of light-limited growth and photosynthesis in marine diatoms. Limnology and Oceanography 46(1), 86-94.
**Finkel, ZV and AJ Irwin (2001) Light absorption by phytoplankton and the filter amplification correction: cell size and species effects. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. & Ecol. 259: 51-61.
Glenn, Scott M., Oscar M.E. Schofield, Robert J. Chant and J. Frederick Grassle, 2001. The New Jersey Shelf Observing System. Oceans 2002.
**Grzymski, J., Orrico, C., Schofield, O. 2001. Monochromatic ultraviolet light induced damage to photosystem II efficiency and carbon fixation in the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonanna (3H). Photosynthesis Research. 68: 181-192.
**Grzymski, J.J, M.A. Moline, J.T. Cullen (2001). Modeling the atmosphere/ocean CO2 cycle in relation to surface Fe concentrations. In: (Lindholm, J. and M. Ruth, eds.) Modeling Dynamic Systems: Dynamic Modeling for Marine Conservation Ecological Understanding. Springer-Verlag, in press.
McDonnell, Janice, 2001. Best Practices in Marine Education: Lessons Learned from a National Estuarine Research Reserve In Defining Best Practices in Boating, Fishing, and Stewardship Education. ed. Anthony Fedler, pgs. 173-182.
Moline, M. A., H. Claustré, T. Frazer, J. Grymski, O. Schofield and M. Vernet. 2001. Changes in phytoplankton assemblages in response to glacial melting along the Antarctic Peninsula: Alteration of the food web due to regional warming? Global Change Biology, in press.
Moline, M. A., E. Heine, J. Case, C. Herren and Schofield O. 2001. Spatial and temporal variability of bioluminescence potential in coastal regions. In: (J. F. Case, P. J. Herring, S. H. D. Haddock, L. J. Kricka and P. E. Stanley eds.) Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence 2000. World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore, pp. 123-126.
Moline, M. A., Claustre, H., Frazer, T. K., Grzymski, J., Schofield, O. 2001. Potential impact of cryptophyte blooms on carbon flow through higher trophic levels. In Antarctic Communities. Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR), Cambridge University Press. 33: 263-271.
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Schofield, O., J. Gryzmski, W.P. Bissett, G. Kirkpatrick, D.M. Millie, M.A. Moline, and C. Roesler. 1999. Optical monitoring and forecasting systems for harmful algal blooms: Possibility or pipedream? Journal of Phycology. 35: 1477-1496.
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**Moline, M. A., Schofield, O., Boucher, N. B. 1998. Photosynthetic parameters and empirical modeling of primary production in the Southern ocean. Antarctic Science. 10: 45-54.
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Schofield, O., Evens, T. J., Millie, D. F. 1998. Photosystem II quantum yields and xanthophyll-cycle pigments of the macroalga, Sargassum natans (Phaeophyta): Dynamic responses under natural sunlight . Journal of Phycology 34(1): 104-112.
Schofield, O., Grzymski, J., Moline, M. A., Jovine, R. V. M. 1998. Impact of temperature on photosynthesis in the red-tide dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense (Ca28). Journal Plankton Research 20(7): 1241-1258.
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©2006 Rutgers University, Coastal
Ocean Observation Lab
Last reviewed: April 26, 2007