Photos from the Rutgers C.O.O.L. Voyage to:
the 2000 Ocean Sciences Meeting

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Our voyage began on a snowy Saturday morning in New Jersey.  By nightfall, we were on the gorgeous Riverwalk of San Antonio. John, Josh and Sasha enjoy the roof-top view at the end of Day 1. We never did figure out what this building was for.  But hey, it looks cool. Oscar and Mike hammer out some pertinent pre-conference ideas like, "Where shall we dine tonight?"
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Everyone worked through the weekend for the first round of talks on Day 3. Scott, in an unusual costume, ponders his fashions. "Deep in the heart" of the NOPP session, Scott hands it out rare. Janice supported her educational side.
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Back at work, or perhaps bed, John combines the two. During the poster session on Day 4, Rich explains his research starting from the bottom. Is this one of those sidebar conversations? Is Hernan studying for the final?
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Deadbeats, at the end of a long day. Back to work to prepare for the big Day 6. Suites were the best deal of the trip.   This luxurious couch provided many hours of comfort while 15 some-odd people and 8 some-odd computers worked everything out. And they're off...Oscar starts round 1.
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For the grad students, Trish adds her voice. After the talks, everyone enjoyed a fine lunch at the scenic Tower Restaurant. Scott and Bob ponder the long conference, and what lies ahead. Meanwhile, Mike only ponders how to get the car working to get back home.
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The End

All in all, everyone had one awesome time. Our spiritual leader says it best..."We _ Rocked!"


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Presentation Index
This CD was produced by Rutgers Coastal Ocean Observation Lab.
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