Scientific Presentations by Rutgers Researchers 2002

Oceanology International
AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting
American Meteorology Society Fall Meeting
and other COOL presentations

Welcome to the RU COOL 2002 Presentations! From this page you may view the presentations presented by our researchers during the last quarter of 2001, and the first quarter of 2002. The presentations are listed below. When available, the abstract has been made available and may be read by clicking on the title. The full presentations may be viewed by clicking on the presentation filename name to the right of the talk title. Animation and media clips that are used within the presentations, when available, have been listed underneath the presentation file.

Nansen Center
Bergen, Norway
December 21, 2002

December 21

Evolution of the New Jersey Shelf Observing System
Josh Kohut, Scott Glenn, Oscar Schofield and many others

nansen.ppt (34.0 M)

AGU 2002 Fall Meeting
Moscone Center, San Francisco, California
December 6 - 10, 2002

December 6

POSTER: Scientific Cabled Observatories for Time Series (SCOTS)
Alex Isern and many others

0212_agu2002FallMtg_AlexIsern.ppt (6.7 M)
December 8

POSTER: Effect of Coastal Upwelling on Circulation and Climate in Coastal Regions
Luke Oman, Louis Bowers, Scott Glenn, Richard Dunk, Alan Cope

(3.8 M)

Office of Naval Research Ocean Optics XVI
Santa Fe, New Mexico
November 18-22, 2002

November 20

POSTER: Inversion of the Bulk Absorption and the Utility for Water Mass Detection 
O. Schofield, T. Bergmann, W. P. Bissett, C. Orrico, 
M. Oliver, and M. A. Moline

0211_oceanopticsXVI_oscar.ppt (3.6 M)
November 20 POSTER: Assessing the relative impact of resuspended sediment and phytoplankton community composition on remote sensing reflectance 
T. Bergmann, G. Fahnensteil, D. Millie, S. Lohrenz, and O. Schofield 
0211_oceanopticsXVI_tbergmann.ppt (8.4 M)
November 21  POSTER: Deriving In Situ Phytoplankton Absorption for Bio-optical Productivity Models in Turbid Waters
M.J. Oliver, T. Bergmann, S. Glenn, M.A. Moline, C. Orrico, and O. Schofield
0211_oceanopticsXVI_moliver.ppt (4.1 M)
November 21 POSTER: Using Cell Size to Predict Intracellular Pigment Concentrations 
Z.V. Finkel, A.J. Irwin, and O. Schofield
0211_oceanopticsXVI_zfinkel.ppt (0.4 M)

Office of Naval Research Progress Review Northeast Region
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
November 4-7, 2002

November 6

Evolution of the New Jersey Shelf Observing System
Scott Glenn, Oscar Schofield and many others

onr2002.ppt (30.8 M)

Oceans 2002 Conference & Exhibition
Marine Frontiers - Reflections of the Past, Visions of the Future
Mississippi Coast Coliseum & Convention Center
Biloxi, Mississippi
October 29-31, 2002

October 29

Ocean Observing Systems - Goals and Design
Development of the New Jersey Shelf Observing System

Scott Glenn, Oscar Schofield and many others

ScottGlennOceans2002.ppt (18.3 M)
October 30 Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) - IX
Using a Fleet of Slocum Battery Gliders in a 
Regional Scale Coastal Ocean Observatory
Elizabeth Creed, Scott Glenn, Oscar Schofield, & Chhaya Mudgal; 
Clayton Jones, Webb Research Corp.
 (4.4 M)

National Research Council Meeting for the Implementation of Seafloor Observatories
October Northeaster Segment

October 22

NRC Report: Presentation of  NSF SCOTS Workshop 
Northeaster Segment of CoOP Presentation

Rick Jahnke

OctStorm.ppt (5.5 M)

National Research Council Meeting for the Implementation of Seafloor Observatories

October 22

NRC Report: Presentation of  NSF SCOTS Workshop 
Scott Glenn and many others

NRC_SCOTS.ppt (4.2 M)

Pices North Pacific Marine Science Organization 
Eleventh Annual Meeting in Qingdao, China

October 21

Development of Coastal Ocean Observatories for Synoptic Oceanography
Mike Crowley, Oscar Schofield, Scott Glenn, Josh Kohut and many others

(18.3 M)

New York
-New Jersey Harbor Technologies Forum
Building Value Through A University-Industry Partnership
Plans for a Growing NY-NJ Harbor Observatory
October 10, 2002

October 10

Plans for a Growing NY-NJ Harbor Observatory
Scott Glenn, Oscar Schofield, Bob Chant and others

rona.ppt (38.3 M)

School of Marine Science, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary
Site Visit - October 2, 2002

October 2
Evolution of the New Jersey Shelf Observing System What Have We Learned after 6 Years of LEO?

Scott Glenn, Oscar Schofield, and others

vims.ppt (37.8 M)

MOTE Marine Lab Site Visit - September 18, 2002

September 18 What Have We Learned after 6 Years of LEO?
Scott Glenn & Oscar Schofield
020918_mote_oscar.ppt (28.0 M)

NSF SCOTS Workshop
Portsmouth, VA August 26-28, 2002

August 27 NRC Report: Presentation on SCOTS
Tommy Dickey
DEOS_DC2002.ppt (28.0 M)

U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy
RUMFS Site Visit - July 22, 2002

July 22 US Ocean Commission RUMFS Site Visit
Regional Ocean Coastal Observatories
Scott Glenn, Oscar Schofield, Mike Deluca, Fred Grassle, Mary Altalo, Ken, Evan - GoMOOS, 
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House Ocean Caucus
Washington, D.C. - June 2002

June 21 NJSOS, House Ocean Caucus Briefing
Fred Grassle
020621_house_fred.ppt(10.5 M)

Alaska's Oceans and Watersheds Symposium
Anchorage, Alaska - June 2002

June 17 New Jersey Shelf Observing System
Scott Glenn & Oscar Schofield
020617_alaska scott_ppt (15.9 M)

ASLO Summer Meeting
Victoria, British Columbia - June 2002

June 11 Dawn In the New Millennium: Synoptic Oceanography Going Operational
Oscar Schofield & Scott Glenn
020611_aslo_scottscar_ppt (24.5 M)


Doctoral Thesis Defense - June 2002

June 10 Spatial Current Structure Observed with a Calibrated HF Radar System: The Influence of Local Forcing, Stratification, and Topography on the Inner Shelf
Josh Kohut
020610_defense_kohut.ppt (7.2 M)


University of Washington Seminar Series on Ocean Observatories - April 2002

April 23 Problems and Challenges Working
In an Observationally Poor Environment
Scott Glenn & Oscar Schofield
020423_seattle1_scottscar.ppt (5.9 M)
April 23 What Have We Learned after 5 Years of LEO?
Scott Glenn & Oscar Schofield
020423_seattle2_scottscar.ppt (24.9 M)

2nd Radiowave Oceanography Workshop (ROW-II)
Brest, France - April 2002

April 15 A Nested Multi-Static HF RadarArray for the New Jersey Shelf Observing System (NJSOS)
Scott Glenn & Josh Kohut
020415_row2_kohut.ppt (17.4 M)

Oceanology International London - March 2002

March 6 Development of a Shelf-Wide Observatory in the Mid-Atlantic Bight
Oscar Schofield & Scott Glenn
020306_oi_scotscar.ppt (14.3 M)
March 6 A Multi-static HF Radar Network for the New Jersey Shelf Observing System (NJSOS)
Josh Kohut and Scott Glenn - Rutgers University
Don Barrick and Pete Lilleboe - CODAR Ocean Sensors
020306_oi_josh.ppt (8.9 M)

American Geophysical Union - Ocean Sciences
Honolulu, Hawaii - February 2002

February 11-15 Presentations by COOL Researchers
From Rutgers, Cal-Poly, FERI, Lamont-Doherty, MOTE, NRL, Stevens, UCSB, U. Maine, U. South Carolina, USM and WHOI
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Multidisciplinary Ocean Observations and Observatories
OS11K-03 INVITED: Evolution of LEO into a Shelf-Wide Ocean Observatory
Oscar Schofield
0202_agu_oscar.ppt (8.8 M)
OS12M-04 A Model for a National Network of Regional Coastal Ocean Observatories
Scott Glenn
0202_agu_scott.ppt (9.8 M)
OS12M-10 Influence of wind and bottom topography on surface dynamics off the coast of New Jersey
Josh Kohut
0202_agu_josh.ppt (2.7 M)
Mixed Vel (19.8 M)
Mixed Windless (19.4 M)
Stratified Vel (16.5 M)
Stratified Windless (14.8 M)
OS12E-78 POSTER: A Comparison of the Operational and Experimental COAMPS Meteorological Forecasts at LEO During 2001 HYCODE Experiment
Louis Bowers
0202_agu_louis.ppt (7.5 M)
OS12E-79 POSTER: Validation of an Atmosphere-Ocean Forecast Model at the Longterm Ecosystem Observatory
C. Sage Lichtenwalner
0202_agu_sage.ppt (8.9 M)
OS12E-90 POSTER: Bio-Optical Estimates of Phytoplankton Productivity from an Autonomous In Situ Profiler in the Coastal Waters of the Mid-Atlantic Bight
Matt Oliver
0202_agu_matt.ppt (4.5 M)
OS12E-102 POSTER: Coupled Physical/Bio-Optical Model Experiments at LEO-15
Hernan Arango
0202_agu_hernan.ppt (2.4 M)
Recent Advances in Ocean and Freshwater Science Instrumentation
OS12A-134 POSTER: Development of an AUV to Measure Bioluminescence in the Coastal Ocean
Shelley Blackwell
0202_agu_shelly.FH9*(3.7 M)
*This file requires Macromedia FreeHand to view
Application and Assessment of Coastal Sediment Transport Models
OS12B-155 POSTER: Particle Transport Observations in the New York - New Jersey Harbor.
Clinton Haldeman III
0202_agu_chip.ppt (2.3 M)
Satellite Measured Ocean Color Variability in the Ocean
OS12J-11 Comparisons of Satellite and In Situ Chlorophyll-a Measurements in Coastal Upwelled Waters
Michael Crowley
0202_agu_mike.ppt (9.3 M)
OS12J-12 Comparisons of SeaWiFs derived Inherent Optical Properties to In Situ Coastal Measurements at LEO
Alex Kahl
0202_agu_alex.ppt (9.8 M)
OS21C-49 POSTER: Vertical migration of a toxic Karena brevis red-tide and the impact on ocean color remote sensing reflectance
John Kerfoot
0202_agu_kerfoot.ppt (3.1 M)
Nutrient Dynamics in Coastal Ecosystems: Linking Physical and Biological Processes
OS22C-202 POSTER: Light Stress and TEP Production in Phytoplankton Communities in Turbid Coastal Waters
Jessie Sebbo
0202_agu_jessie.ppt (3.2 M)
Stratified Coastal and Estuarine Circulation
OS22E-254 POSTER: Circulation and mixing in a complex estuarine environment. Effects on the transport and fate of suspended matter.
Elias Hunter
0202_agu_eli.ppt (3.0 M)
OS32D-144 POSTER: The spatial and temporal relationship between biomass and hydrography on New Jersey’s inner shelf during the summer of 2001.
Robert J. Chant
0202_agu_chant.ppt (3.1 M)
Recent Advances in Understanding Submarine Biosystems and the Future in Submergence Research
OS31G-117 POSTER: Coordinating a Fleet of Autonomous Underwater Glider Using a Decision Theoretic Approach in a Multi-agent System
Chhaya Mudgal
0202_agu_chhaya.ppt (8.0 M)
Transport and Transformation of Biogeochemically Important Materials in Coastal Waters
OS31R-11 The Effects of a Spring Resuspension Event on In-situ Optical Parameters and Phytoplankton Light Utilization
Trisha Bergmann
0202_agu_trish.ppt (9.2 M)
OS42R-12 Inferring Physical Processes Using Phytoplankton Structure and Bulk Optical Properties in Coastal Waters
Mark Moline
0202_agu_mark.ppt (10.8 M)

12th International Symposium on
Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence - April 2002

April A New AUV Platform for Studying Near Shore Bioluminescence Structure
Shelley Blackwell
0203_shelly.FH10* (3.6 M)
*This file requires Macromedia FreeHand to view

Examining the Role of Oceans in Global Security
A Seminar sponsored by
The Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education (CORE)

December 10 Coastal Ocean Nowcasting and Forecasting for Homeland Security
Scott M. Glenn
011210_homeland_scott.ppt (5.7 M)

Other Meetings - December 2001

December 3 Coupled Atmospheric-Ocean Forecast Experiments on the New Jersey Shelf
Hernan Arango
011203 fnmoc_hernan.ppt (8.4 M)
December A Comparison of the Operational and Experimental COAMPS Meteorological Forecasts at LEO During 2001 HYCODE Experiment
Louis Bowers
0112_coamps_louis.ppt (2.0 M)

American Meteorology Society - November 2001

November 6 A Recent (and Likely Incomplete) History of the Personnel and Education Requirements for the Evolving Profession of Operational Oceanographer
Scott M. Glenn
011106_ams_scott_ed.ppt (4.5 M)
November 6 Evolution of a Coastal Ocean Observing System LEO-15 LEO NJSOS And Some Ideas for a National Network
Scott M. Glenn
011106_ams_Scott_njsos.ppt (7.4 M)

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Version 1.9 Released June 13, 2002
This CD was produced by Rutgers University Coastal Ocean Observation Lab
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© 2002